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How to become a LIV-UP Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in becoming a LIV-UP volunteer! 

Begin by emailing us at including your name, email, and phone number, or call (727)-378-2186 to leave a message. You can also download our Volunteer Application (in Adobe Acrobat PDF), print it, fill it out, and mail it to us at Lutheran Intentional Village, PO Box 4367, Clearwater, FL 33758. You can also scan the Volunteer Application and send it as a .PDF or .JPG file to

When we receive your request to become a volunteer, we'll call you and set up a meeting to discuss your interests and explain the process.


To become a volunteer, you will need to complete and pass a background check. If you wish to drive, you will also need to pass a motor vehicle check that is part of the background check. The background check/motor vehicle check are done online. The fee varies depending on the complexity of your application. If you are able to pay all or part of the fee, it helps us keep our costs to members lower.


After you pass the background check, we can schedule a volunteer orientation for you. After the orientation, you can begin to take member requests for services. Usually we require new volunteers to work in tandem with an experienced volunteer for a few weeks. 

If you have questions about volunteering, or you want to get started with an interview with our Volunteer Coordinator, leave a message at (727) 378-2186. We'll get back to you quickly.


Volunteers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Do I have to be a Lutheran or associated with one of the Lutheran churches you named to be a volunteer?
Not at all! LIV-UP recruits volunteers from the churches mentioned above, but anyone — regardless of faith or belief — who lives in the general service area and has a heart to volunteer is welcome.    


May I bring a friend / spouse / child / brother / sister / or pet with me when I volunteer?

Because of insurance reasons, we ask that you don't; when you are volunteering, your focus should be on the services you are providing to the member.


What if I accepted a volunteer assignment, but at the last minute, I can’t get there?

We understand that things happen, but please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at (727) 378-2186 as soon as possible to let us know you can’t make it. Leave a message with your name, phone number, the name of the member you were supposed to help, and the time you were supposed to be at their home. We will let the member know you’ve been detained, and we will reschedule the visit.


What if a member asks me to perform a task I don’t know how to do or don’t feel comfortable doing?

When you are assigned to perform a specific task or activity for a member and the member asks you to do something else or something you are neither comfortable nor capable of doing, please let the member know that they will need to make an additional request to LIV-UP.  For insurance and safety reasons, all requests for services — including those you've not volunteered to do — must come through the LIV-UP office.


What if a member requests my contact information in case they need to do a last minute re-schedule ?

It is better for them to reach you through LIV-UP. Keep in mind that a member may not contact you directly to request a service or any type of assistance as a LIV-UP volunteer. They are instructed to contact LIV-UP directly to arrange services.


What if a member asks me for a ride to the store or elsewhere during the visit?

Ask the Member to call LIV-UP directly for help with transportation.


What if I can’t locate the member’s house or feel uncomfortable in the neighborhood?

This would be a very rare occurrence, but, if you need directions to the member’s home, please ask the LIV-UP Volunteer  Coordinator to provide directions when you accept the assignment. If you get lost, call the Volunteer Coordinator at (727) 378-2186. All LIV-UP members are visited in their homes by a LIV-UP Ambassador at the time they enroll. If there are any issues of concern in the neighborhood or the home, you will be told about them in advance.


What if a member tries to give me a tip, money or a gift?
Volunteers are never permitted to accept money or gifts from members. Even though the member may offer something as a sign of their appreciation, kindly thank them and explain that you are not permitted to accept gifts or money from a member. You may certainly accept a snack or drink of water, if it is offered!

What if I knock on the member’s door and ring the doorbell, but no one answers?

Many older adults have difficulty with mobility or limited hearing and vision. It might just take a while for them to answer the door, so be patient. Unless you have been asked to, do not repeatedly ring the doorbell or bang on the door. If, after several minutes and attempts no one comes, do the following. 1) Call the Volunteer Coordinator at (727) 378-2186 and let them know. 2) Leave a note on the front door or someplace where the member will see it. State your name, the time, and that you were sent by LIV-UP to do a service for them. LIV-UP Staff will then follow up with the member until we reach them and are sure they are all right.


What if I am supposed to do a household chore for a Member (change a vacuum cleaner belt or install a fluorescent light) but the Member doesn’t have the part or  item?

Do not accept cash from the Member to purchase the part or item. You can (1) ask the Member to purchase the item him or herself and let LIV-UP know, so that we can reschedule the visit. Or, (2) for an item under $10 in value, you may, if you wish, purchase the item and request reimbursement from LIV-UP. You must keep the original receipt and complete the Reimbursement Form provided by the Volunteer Coordinator. You will be reimbursed directly and the member will be charged in their next membership payment.


What if I see, hear or smell something that seems unsafe? While it’s rare, you could observe something in the home that causes you concern. For example:

• Has a burner on the stove been left on?
• Are scatter rugs or electrical cords loose and in the walkway where they could be a trip hazard?
• Is it very warm or very cold in the home?
• Does the home have a bad odor?
• Does the member seem particularly upset, worried or depressed?

You can ask the member about the situation, e.g., “Is your air conditioner broken?” or “Would you mind if I moved these loose cords?” Comply with the member’s wishes, but let LIV-UP know your concerns about the situation. Every home has had an Ambassador visit, but it is true that daily life can change rather quickly.

What are LIV-UP members like? What can I expect?

Many of our members are widows/widowers or live alone. Take time to introduce yourself, wear your LIV-UP name badge, and make friendly conversation. Make eye contact and show an interest in them, without prying too much. You might be surprised at how appreciative the member is for your help. You will, almost always, find that you have something in common. Often, interacting with the Volunteer is as important or more important to the Member than the job or task to be done.


Ready to volunteer?

Download the Volunteer Application

and call us at (727) 378-2186 or send the application as a file to